Arranging Your Furniture

The living room is one of the most important rooms of your house just because so much time is spent there! Whether its family, or friends, the living room is the most comfortable space for guests to lounge around, so the arrangement of your furniture is key! Most people spend weeks looking for the perfect furniture to occupy this space, but almost no time thinking about the practicality of how they choose to arrange it all! We're going to point out a few key tips and tricks to arrange the furniture in your living room, so it maximizes all functionalities.

Most living rooms consist of a coffee table, couch/chairs, media console, and maybe a few extras. You want to cluster these items strategically so they work together, but this depends on the focal point of your room. If you want your living room to highlight an elegant fireplace or a media console, start there! Orient your seating towards this focal point in order to draw instant attention to it, and allow guests to face this way while lounging. Furniture should gravitate towards this focal point from now on. Keep reading for some more specific ideas on arranging your furniture!

The flexibility in furniture arrangement may vary depending on the pieces you chose to use in your living room. For instance, a couple chairs are a lot easy to move around than a big couch. Don't let this stop you from trying new things, just make sure you really do like the arrangement you end up with. When moving around your seating, make sure you have enough space for your guests to walk through the area without stumbling all over your tables and rugs. A comfortable aisle way will make your living room much more inviting to walk through, and find a comfortable place to sit. In addition to this, make sure each of the seats in your living room has a corresponding surface to place beverages on. This will save your guests some hassle in the long run, and give them a place to set down miscellaneous items.

The most basic way to place your furniture, which we're sure a lot of you already use, is to place the couch straight on across from your focal point, with other furniture arranged at angles around. This is a great way to allow your guests the perfect view of the television or a crackling fire on cold winter days, but can also be a little overused. This arrangement can also be rounded to a conversation-friendly circle with comfortable pillows and ottomans facing back at the couch.

Symmetry is an easy way to get a visually appealing living room without trying too hard with arrangements. Two sofas or chairs facing each other, with the focal point at one end or another. This is an easy way to allow conversation, but still the function of facing your TV or fireplace. Depending on your daily living room activities, this allows better conversation and activities that don't involve your focal point!

For those living rooms with a variety of doors and walkways, make sure you keep those paths in mind while arranging. Draw imaginary lines from entry to entry, and make sure you leave those areas free for the guests to walk through. This leaves a more interactive and dynamic room design, while still allowing you to place focus on your focal point.

Sofas are generally a popular seating choice for Living Rooms, but make sure they aren't shoved in some corner if that can be avoided! Not only is this not as visually pleasing as a carefully arranged place for the couch, but it makes guests sitting in the sofa feel stuffed in the small area. Pull the couch slightly away from the wall to increase air flow, and make sure the area surrounding is well lit.

We hope a few of these ideas inspired you to arrange the picture-perfect living room, perfect for your style and functions. Let us know how your living room is arranged in the comments below!

Kalei Munsell

Posted by Kalei Munsell

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