The Key to Color

Color schemes are trickier than one might assume. With all the paint options, even customized, and millions of fabrics and decor, who wouldn't get lost in it? With our tricks to picking the perfect colors, you'll have gorgeous complementary rooms in no time! Just keep reading to find out how we can turn anything into a beautiful array of colors, perfect for the new room you're decorating! {C}

Before you decide the entire scheme, pick the color you most want to base everything around! Find the perfect fabric for your style, and match the base color to it, or just use your favorite! Either way, have a color in mind to start off with as the base.

What's our secret to the killer color combos? Online color scheme creators! Use a website like Kuler that allows you to pick one color and create a million different options for schemes. Giving you options like analogous, monochromatic, triad, complementary, compound, and shades, you're bound to find the perfect interior decorating color scheme!

laura weaver

Posted by laura weaver

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