Pin it & Win It – #EpochDesignSpringDreams Pinterest Contest

Pinterest Contest

If you’ve been around these parts for awhile, you know how this goes. Every week we find as many opportunities as possible to give back to our community and host giveaways. In addition, we try to share creative inspiration for decorating rooms, DIY projects, and even simple household solutions. After such positive feedback on our last Dream Design Contest, we want to bring back the fun and see your creativity once again!

This contest is open to anyone in the Continental US, and the prize is chosen by you! Whatever item the winner chooses will be shipped directly to their house completely free – no hauling your item home involved! The prize is brand new, direct from our warehouse to your home. Excited yet? Keep reading to find out exactly how to enter!

For those of you who just happened to stumble across this competition, welcome to the Epoch Design family! We want to share our secret with you, but for that you’ll have to stick around. As long as you check out our Facebook page and blog, we promise this won’t be your last chance to win! Suffice it to say, we are frequently able to offer new furniture for FREE (everyone’s favorite 4-letter word). All we ask for in return is a little LOVE (another good 4-letter word). Just in the past few months, we’ve been able to offer dozens of kids and adult bedroom collections to families across the country, so stick around for even more opportunities!

How to Enter: Now we’re getting to the part that you all want to hear– how exactly can you bring yourself closer to this fabulous prize? It’s simple, we want you to share with us your dream room. On our blog we’ve shared dozens of themed room decorating guides, so help us out and show us what you want! Create a Pinterest board of everything that inspires your Spring dream bedroom, and share it with us on our Facebook page! Post a link to the board on our Facebook wall!  The only guideline we have for your dream room is to include one piece of furniture from one of our collections and include the title “Epoch Design Spring Dreams Contest” with a link back to this post; this way we not only get a better feel for your taste in furniture, but we know which piece to send you if you win! From all the entries you send us, we’ll compile the top 5 on a blog post, and the rest is up to you! We’ll shift the power to our readers, and open voting will decide who’s dream room captures the most attention!

The Prize: Any item by Epoch Design up to $1,000 (MSRP), shipped from our warehouse to your home.

To Enter: Send us the link to your Pinterest board via email ([email protected]) or by posting it to our Facebook Wall. Your Dream Room entry should include the item you would like to win through this contest, and any other creative inspiration you feel compelled to share. The entry should be created through Pinterest, and each item should include the hashtag #EpochDesignSpringDreams. The title and description of your board should include “Epoch Design Spring Dreams Contest” and link back to this post.

How to Win: We will select the top 5 entries and then compile them in a blog post. Open voting by our readers will determine the winner.

Deadline: Submit your entry by 12:00 am on May 5th, 2014

Are you excited yet? Well to get you a little more inspired, here’s an example of an entry from last year’s Dream Design Contest. Valerie Weech made the final five with this entry, and we thought it was a great Pinterest entry to give you an idea of what we’re looking for! Click the photo to see the rest of the final five entries from last year’s contest.

1000 Fan Contest Sample

Official Contest Rules

Please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] with any questions. Good luck, and get creative!

laura weaver

Posted by laura weaver

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