A Quick Design Tip for the Holidays

Things can be a little crazy out there in the shopping world right now. You might have tunnel vision as you go in to the store, set sights on what you want, fight through the crowds and quickly pay and get the heck out. But this is also a really great time to keep your eye out for any visuals that really inspire you or speak to you. Many of those stores in the mall have spent countless hours and money on designing a window display that is going to make you think, "I want that". Well, if you do want that there isn't too much stopping you from changing it into your new home decor style.


Another really awesome place to get visual inspiration is at the paper store. When you pick out your Christmas wrapping paper you should check out all of the wonderful patterns available. Again, there are many talented artists who have spent a lot of hours and creative energy in creating beautiful patterns to wrap your gifts in. From these patterns you might find something that would work great as a wall paper or you may find a color pattern that you wouldn't have thought would work but does. Or maybe you just found a great wrapping paper for your gifts. But just keep in mind as you are battling the throngs of other shoppers out there that you aren't just shopping for others (but you already knew that). 🙂

ngoc cao

Posted by ngoc cao

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